File NameActions
SD 28 Nanaina at Ho’opili – Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 13 Parcel 102 of Ho’opili (Nanaina at Ho’opili) recorded 6/26/23Download
SD1 Ha'akea at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration of Annexation of Land to Ho'opili (Ha’akea) recorded 11/6/2017Download
SD10 Ho'oulu at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 4 Parcel 8 of Ho'opili (Ho'oulu at Ho'opili) recorded 9/4/2019Download
SD11 is The Element – Amended and Restated Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification, Subdistrict, Assessment, and Voting Rights of Phase 2 Parcels 13A, 22 and 23 at Ho'opili (The Element Subdistrict) recorded 6/16/2020Download
SD12 Aulu at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict (Aulu at Ho'opili) recorded 10/15/2019 Download
SD13 Olena at Ho'opili --Supplemental Declaration Regarding Subdistrict and Designating Land Use Classification for Phase 4 Parcel 17 of Ho'opili (Olena at Ho'opili) recorded 5/18/2020Download
SD14A Hinahina at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 6 Parcel 12 of Ho'opili (Hinahina at Ho'opili) recorded 5/19/2020Download
SD14B Hinahina at Ho'opili -- Amendment to Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 6 Parcel 12 of Ho'opili (Hinahina at Ho'opili) recorded 8/26/2020Download
SD15 South Ho'opili Neighborhood Commercial Subdistrict -- Amended and Restated Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification Subdistrict, Assessment, and Voting Rights recorded 7/24/2020Download
SD16 Liko at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Regarding Subdistrict and Designating Land Use Classification for Phase 6 Parcel 11 of Ho'opili (Liko at Ho'opili) recorded 10/20/2020Download
SD17 Lehua Phase 2 at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Regarding Subdistrict and Designating Land Use Classification for Phase 10A Parcel 106 of Ho'opili (Lehua Phase 2 at Ho'opili) recorded 12/8/2020Download
SD18A Kaikoi at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 5 Parcels 26 and 19 of Ho'opili (Kaikoi at Ho'opili) recorded 1/27/2021Download
SD18B Kaikoi at Ho'opili -- Amendment to Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 5 Parcels 26 and 19 of Ho'opili (Kaikoi at Ho'opili) recorded 1/26/22Download
SD18C Kaikoi at Ho'opili -- Amendment to Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 5 Parcels 26 and 19 of Ho'opili (Kaikoi at Ho'opili) recorded 8/14/2023.Download
SD19 Kohina Phase 2 at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 6 Parcel 15 of Ho'opili (Kohina Phase 2 at Ho'opili) recorded 4/13/2021Download
SD2 Haloa at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration of Annexation (Haloa) recorded 11/6/2017Download
SD20 'Iliahi Phase 2 at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 10A Parcel 105 of Ho'opili ('Iliahi Phase 2 at Ho'opili) recorded 5/6/2021Download
SD21 Kaikea at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 5 Parcel 18 of Ho'opili (Kaikea at Ho'opili) rec 10/8/2021Download
SD22 'Ikena at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 10A Parcel 103 of Ho'opili ('Ikena at Ho'opili) recorded 10/19/2021Download
SD23 Mamaka at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phases 10A/13 Parcels 100 and 104 of Ho'opili (Mamaka at Ho'opili) recorded 11/17/2021Download
SD24 Ho'oulu Phase 2 at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 13 Parcel 98 of Ho'opili (Ho'oulu Phase 2 at Ho'opili) recorded 8/9/2022Download
SD25 Ikena Phase 2 at Ho'opili Amendment & Supplement to Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification Subdistrict & Use Restrictions for Phase 10A Parcel 103 and Phase 13 Parcels 96 & 101 of Ho'opili recorded 12/15/22Download
SD25A Ikena Phase 2 at Hoopili Amendment & Supplement to Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification,Subdistrict,and Use Restrictions for Phase 10A Parcel 103 & Phase 13 Parcels 96 & 101 of Hoopili Ikena at Hoopili) recorded 12/15/2022Download
SD25B Ikena Phase 2 at Hoopili Amendment to Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification,Subdistrict,& Use Restrictions for Phase 10A Parcel 103 and Phase 13 Parcels 96 & 101 of Hoopili Ikena at Hoopili) recorded 3/13/2023Download
SD26 Nahele at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 5 Parcel 27 of Ho'opili (Nahele at Ho'opili) recorded 1/6/2023Download
SD27 Kanalani at Hoopili Amended & Restated Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification & Subdistrict for Kanalani at Hoopili recorded 5/11/23Download
SD29 Parcel 13B - Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification, Subdistrict, Assessment, and Voting Rights of Phase 2 Parcel 13B at Ho'opili (Parcel 13B Subdistrict) recorded 7/1/22Download
SD3 'Iliahi at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 3 Parcels 5 & 6 of Ho'opili ('Iliahi at Ho'opili) recorded 9/27/2018Download
SD30 Molehu at Ho’opili – Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 11 Parcel 49 of Ho’opili (Molehu at Ho’opili) recorded 5/22/24Download
SD31 Noho Papa at Ho’opili – Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 11 Parcel 48 of Ho’opili (Noho Papa at Ho’opili) recorded May 30, 2024Download
SD32 Alana at Ho’opili – Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 11 Parcels 42, 45 and 46 of Ho’opili (Alana at Ho’opili) recorded December 17, 2024Download
SD4A Kohina at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 2 Parcels 20 and 25 of Ho'opili (Kohina at Ho'opili) recorded 1/11/2019Download
SD4B Kohina at Ho'opili -- Amendment to Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 2 Parcels 20 and 25 of Ho'opili (Kohina at Ho'opili) recorded 6/7/2019Download
SD5A 'Ilima at Ho'opili -- Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 4 Parcel 16 of Ho'opili ('Ilima at Ho'opili) recorded 4/23/2019 Download
SD5B 'Ilima at Ho'opili -- Amendment to Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 4 Parcel 16 of Ho'opili ('Ilima at Ho'opili) recorded 10/15/2019 Download
SD6 'Akoko at Ho'opili -- Notice and Declaration of Designation of Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 3 Parcel 7 of Ho'opili ('Akoko at Ho'opili) recorded 6/28/2019Download
SD7 Lehua at Ho'opili -- Notice and Declaration of Designation of Land Use Classification and Subdistrict for Phase 1 Parcel 4 of Ho'opili (Lehua at Ho'opili) recorded 6/28/2019Download
SD8 Queen's -- Supplemental Declaration Designating Land Use Classification, Subdistrict, Assessment, and Voting Rights of Phase 2 Parcel 21 of Ho'opili) (Queen's Mixed Residential-Commercial Subdistrict) recorded 8/30/2019Download
SD9A Kulia -- Limited Warranty Deed, Reservation of Rights, and Declaration of Subdistrict and Land Use Classification Under Master Declaration (Kulia at Ho'opili) recorded 9/30/2019Download
SD9B Kulia -- Supplemental Declaration Regarding Declaration of Subdistrict and Land Use Classification Under Master Declaration (Kulia at Ho'opili) recorded 7/7/2020Download
SD9C Kulia -- Amendment to Supplemental Declaration Regarding Declaration of Subdistrict and Land Use Classification Under Master Declaration (Kulia at Ho'opili) recorded 9/15/2022Download